Wednesday, 20 May 2009

13th UK Network Operators' Forum agenda now published

The agenda has now been published for the next UKNOF meeting on the 28th May, which will be held in Sheffield at the Electric Works:

Morning Session
"System Maintenance: Please verify your details" (Graeme Fowler, Loughborough University)
How Spammers Break E-mail for the rest of us (Andrew Richards, ACR Consulting)
BBC Redux (Tom Bird, Portfast Ltd)
XS4ALL's IPv6 Deployment Experiences (Marco Hogewoning, XS4ALL Internet)
Using Quagga for Route Servers (Mike Hughes, LINX)

Afternoon Session
Leeds Interconnect (Andy Davidson, NetSumo Ltd)
Digital Region (Les Morris, Thales)
IWF, Wikipedia and the Wayback Machine (Richard Clayton, University of Cambridge)
Internet History (Daniel Karrenberg, RIPE NCC)

Lightning Talks:
DNSSEC for .uk (Brett Carr, Nominet)
100Gb/s Fibre Transmission Trial (Robert Evans, JANET (UK))
The Economic Crisis and RIR Registrations (Jochem de Ruig, RIPE NCC)
Recent RIPE Policy Developments (Nigel Titley, RIPE NCC)
VoIP Caller Location - Implications for ISPs (Ray Bellis, Nominet)

If you want to go it's free to attend and you can register online.

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