Monday, 8 June 2009

Events - TechTalk 2009, Barcamp Sheffield, Creative Networks

Well it's been a couple of weeks since my last post (mainly due to me moving house) so I have a few events to tell you about today.

First up is Connect Yorkshire's TechTalk 2009: "Enterprise IT for the Masses". The event will be on the 17th June from 1pm - 4pm at York Racecourse. It only costs 40 quid to attend and the keynote speaker is David Aldridge, Vice President at Oracle. The debate will cover Software-As-A-Service and Cloud Computing.

Next, Barcamp Sheffield, registration has now opened for Barcamp Sheffield a.k.a Unsheffield, the theme is Future Users of Cool Technology. The event is free to attend, from the 19th - 21st June and will be held at the Showroom. You can see a previous blog of mine about the last Barcamp Sheffield, which was great! 

And last but by no means least is Creative Networks. This month the speaker is Patrick Burgoyne, Editor of Creative Review and they have combined the event with the Leeds College of Art – End of Year Shows.

The event is also free to attend, on 25th June from 5pm onwards at the Leeds College of Art & Design. If you want to go contact Creative Networks on 01422 399444 or email Bridget March at

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