Monday, 11 May 2009

LSx 09 - the 2nd Leeds Web Festival

Just to spread the news regarding LSx 09 which began on the 5th May (I'm too late to tell you about the Digital Britain unconference i'm afraid but I believe there are still more to be held in other locations) and continues until the 3rd June.

There are even more things going on than last year and include:

12th may innovation north 2009 showcase
Leeds Met's undergraduate expo, showcasing the work of this year's graduating class in music technology, sound, games design, animation, special effects, creative media and computing.

19th may hackspace
Hackspace is an alternative term for Hackerspaces, a physical place where anybody with an interest in technology can meet up, socialize and collaborate on project within a vast range of technologies and languages.

20th may geekup
An evening social of internet industry workers, including a trio of brief 20:20 talks - Clare Lindley on Creating iPhone apps with PhoneGap, Phil Helliwell on What your BIG-IP can do for you & Jonathan "Squigfried" Powell on Hack Spaces, and why having one in Leeds will be awesome.

27th may girl geek dinner
An evening buffet accompanied by keynote speakers representing the best femalte talents in the technology sector. Seedcamp CEO, Reshma Sohoni, and Democracy PR's founder, Jennifer O'Grady will be one of the featured speakers, with around 70 guests drawn from the city's most talented and respected female professionals in creative and digital.

28th may future of web apps tour
Ryan Carson's renowned conference comes to Leeds for the first time, at the city's newly opened Rose Bowl. The theme is Cloud Computing - with speakers from Microsoft, Amazon and Salesforce.

(I'm assuming this is the same lineup that I saw in Manchester a couple of weeks ago and in which case I can really recommend the event. I thought all the speakers were really interesting - and I was tired that day so it really says something :-))

29th may physical computing
an innovative consultancy that's bringing together the physical and digital worlds through creative technologies will be leading a day long Beginner's Guide to Arduino, to help novices and experts alike learn how to build small electronic widgets!

(I know i've blogged about Arduino before and i'm afraid i'm still yet to do anything with mine - but I have big plans, honest!)

30-31st may barcamp leeds {2009}
BarCamp Leeds is the city's third 'unconference', an event where the folks that attend create the programme of sessions themselves. BarCamps are open, participatory, democratic, 'workshop' events; the organisers and sponsors simply provide wireless broadband, a venue, beverages and food!

(I blogged about Leeds and Sheffields last Barcamps so will try not to bore you again with how great I think they are! I will hopefully be attending this on the Saturday so will blog again then.)

3rd june exposure leeds
The city's photographic community is supporting LSx by running 60-90 minute workshops photography workshops with a technological bias - some topics might include Flickr, Photoshop, HDR, PhotoSynth and Lightroom.

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