Friday, 8 May 2009

UKNOF (UK Network Operators Forum) 13 to be held in Sheffield

Just a quick blog about UKNOF 13, which is to be held at the Electric Works in Sheffield on Thursday 28th May. It's a free event so if you're around I recommend going along.

To give you an idea about the kind of speakers they have, the last event's agenda included:

* Fighting Spam at the Source (Thomas Mangin, Exa Network)
* 21CN Operational Experiences (Adrian Kennard, Andrews and Arnold)
* JANET STM-256 Upgrade (Rob Evans, JANET UK)
* Passive WDM Experiences (Mike Hughes, LINX)
* New Undersea Cables Around the UK (Martin Hannigan, Verne Global)
* IETF Update (Kurtis Lindqvist, Netnod)
* OpenSIPs (Bogdan-Andrei Iancu)
* RIPE-2007-01 and -08 Charging Changes (Nigel Titley, RIPE NCC)
* 32-bit AS Numbers (Will Hargrave, Andy Davidson)
* DNSSEC Signing of .ORG (Dave Knight, Afilias)
* UK ENUM Update (Ian Meikle, Nominet)
* Perspectives on IPv4 runout and the transition to IPv6 (Mat Ford, Internet Society)
* VoIP 999 Regulatory Update (Steve Kennedy, NetTek)
* IRRToolset Update (Shane Kerr, Afilias)
* Website Accessibility (Steve Kennedy, Textic Ltd)

So if any of the above topics are of interest come along. Yorkshire Forward are sponsoring the event and we're also organising someone to come along to talk about Digtal Region (, the broadband project in South Yorkshire so this will also be an opportunity to hear about the plans for Digital Region and ask questions.

You can regsiter online at:

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