Thursday, 29 October 2009

Digital Week 09 - events are happening across Yorkshire from 9th - 14th November

Should have blogged about this ages ago but better late than never!

So it's nearly digital week, with events this year being held not just in Leeds but also Huddersfield, Scarborough, Bradford and Sheffield. You can find all the info including an online calendar of events on their website:

Highlights from the many, many events taking place include:

An official launch event on Monday 9th in Leeds by way of a knowledge auction - chocolate money is somehow involved so who could resist!

The Bradford Animation Festival on Tuesday 10th at the National Media Museum, the UK's longest running and biggest animation festival.

Wednesday 11th sees an unusual event called Musical Chairs: Fun and Games with Cool Pink which will debate the effectiveness of digital games development for tangible return on investment.

Thursday 12th has quite a few things that caught my eye including a 3D Cinema Workshop in Sheffield and a Digital Ghost Hunt in Scarborough!

Friday 13th sees the return of the Drum Awards for Digital Industries, or DADIs, to Leeds, with the keynote address given by Tom Loosemore from 4iP.

And last, but definitely by no means least as i've raved about these events on this blog before, will be a Barcamp on Saturday 14th. Barcamp Bradford will be held at the WOW Academy in the morning and the National Media Museum in the afternoon.

All in all an exciting week!

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