Monday, 24 November 2008

BarCamp Sheffield

So this time it's Sheffield's turn to host a BarCamp. I won't explain the concept again, I did that when I blogged about BarCamp Leeds.

Sheffield is looking very exciting! It's from Friday evening until Sunday evening so quite a long one, meaning of course that they can pack loads more in. I know they've sold out tickets for Friday and Saturday but I understand there are a few left for the Sunday so if you're around I recommend you attend:

We shall be holding a competition this time with a prize and everything, as soon as the details are released I shall add some info on this blog. I shall also take some photos of the 'agenda' on the day to give a better feel of the type of session that's covered, but people are already making suggestions on the forum so you can have a look. Of course you never know what will actually happen until you get there!

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Victor Watson - Print Yorkshire

It may seem like I spend my whole life at events but I honestly don't! However, I was lucky enough yesterday to attend the book launch of The Waddington's Story by Victor Watson (President of Print Yorkshire).

Victor gave a very interesting speech. The part I have dwelled upon most is his statement that he considers his success in business to be due to the fact that he has always trusted people, he may have been taken for a ride a couple of times, but still feels that trust in individuals is the most important thing. He then added that most people underestimate the importance of personal relationships in business.

I thought this was partcularly good to hear as this is what we're all about at Yorkshire Forward and specifically my role in supporting industry through networks. Sometimes individuals don't immediately understand the importance of a network to help businesses to grow and prosper but it is through networks that important relationships are estbalished and the ripple effect is often surprising.

Victor obviously sees the advantage of networks through his involvement with Print Yorkshire, a network for the print industry in Yorkshire and Humberside. More information about Print Yorkshire can be found at:

Information about Victor Watson and his book launch can be found at:

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Digital 20/20

Monday I was at the launch of Digital 20/20.

It's a project with two strands, one covers digital and ICT skills and the other strand covers business adoption of ICT.

Both are a partnership of public and private sector and the fantastic turnout at the launch event from both sides shows how many people are already committed.

Firstly, looking at the skills strand. The 12 key themes are:

Current Workforce:
1. Next generation user skills
2. Higher level skills
3. Business ICT adoption
4. e-Learning habit

Future Workforce:
5. Specialist curriculum
6. Digital skills across the curriculum

People outside the Workforce
7. Digital literacy – citizens & jobseekers
8. Engaging under-represented groups

Information, Advice & Guidance
9. Improving the IAG portfolio
10. Attracting and retaining talent

Delivery Capacity
11. Digitally adept educators
12. Specialist capacity – facilities & trainers

With regard to the business adoption of ICT strand, Action Plan Priorities are:

P1 – Communication: Promote the business benefits of ICT
Devise and deliver a regional marketing and communications approach that focuses on the business benefits and drivers of ICT adoption rather than the technology involved. This activity should seek to:
provide the wider business support community with a range of promotional tools to demonstrate business benefit to customers
exploit linkages with complementary initiatives, such as innovation

P2 – Transition: Stimulate progressive ICT adoption
Increase business performance as measured by key indicators of ICT adoption and implementation, using effective customer segmentation to move companies up the adoption ladder.

P3 – Synergy: Link ICT with agility in innovation and enterprise
Position ICT clearly within the business support offer, seeking to improve the levels of ICT literacy and awareness, thus contributing to wider initiatives such as innovation and enterprise.

P4 – Capability: Build recognition of the benefits of ICT literacy and training
Work with regional partners and providers to enhance the connection between business support delivery and the ICT skills agenda, improving business recognition of the benefits of ICT training.

P5 – Impact: Increase ROI and business performance
Work with commercial ICT providers and resellers to improve the overall quality, coherence and impact of the customer offer and therefore to maximise return on ICT investment and business performance.

P6 – Leverage: Maximise regional impact, competitiveness and investment
Identify the opportunities arising from increased ICT adoption and work with partners in the public and private sectors to maximise regional impact, competitiveness and investment through a range of complementary initiatives.

There is loads more info on the website: